When someone mentions the name "Florida Georgia Line", the natural instinct for many is to cringe. Despite the fact that I've been much, much lighter on the than many critics, it's hard to deny that they're an unquestionably polarizing duo, and that much of their material is sub-par. However, they may be on the right track to winning some people with their latest effort, "Confession".
"Confession" is a major change of pace for Florida Georgia Line. With a moody, atmospheric production that, while still a tad overbearing, demonstrates some restraint, as well as a general tone that feels much more serious than their past work, "Confession" feels like a nice change of pace even from a technical standpoint. But where they make up major points is, obviously, in the lyrical content. While their past hits, with a couple exceptions, have largely followed the thematic makeup of bro-country, this record is a song of self-reflection and regret that can all be encapsulated by the closing line of "hope he's moving in the right direction". Even with the overhaul however, they do maintain some positive elements of their discography, namely the hooky melody and Tyler Hubbard's confident delivery.
They may still have some work to do in terms of winning over the critic community, but should they continue in the footsteps of "Confession", they'll be well on their way to doing so.
Grade: A
Listen: "Confession"
By Markus Meyer