On the surface, it reads like yet another run of the mill, escapism love song that's safe enough for radio and not nearly egregious enough to offend anybody. However, between Bryant and his producers hitting all the right marks from a technical standpoint and the songwriters making enough of an effort to not craft a composition that comes off as degrading or cliché, "Little Bit of You" is a very respectable tune.
The production is country enough to defend it's spot on country radio playlists, but modern enough to be a hit, with enough guitar to drive it along at a healthy pace. Bryant delivers an energized production, and the lyrics, while not deep, lean more towards the Brad Paisley side of the uptempo love song spectrum than the Chase Rice side.
Is it earth-shattering? No, but it's entertaining, and it's something that at least mildly represents country music. I'll take it.
Grade: B
Listen: "Little Bit of You"