Their new single, "Born To Love You", much like "Greatest Love Story" is nothing that will blow your mind. Lyrically it essentially just has your obvious cliches of growing up in a small town where you don't know a heck of a lot (and we have to mention a preacher and a Church to establish some sort of rebel child vibe obviously...), but the one thing he does know is how to love this particular woman in his life. On paper it comes across as incredibly saccharine, but Brandon Lancaster's vocal performance is able to elevate it to a higher level. He's sort of in that sweet spot vocally - not too nasally and not too whiny. He's convincing.
What makes it work though is that the band is once again trying to establish a more organic, lightweight vibe. The chorus is a tad overproduced, that I will admit, but between the drums and light electric guitar play, unlike like its predecessor, "Born To Love You" actually builds up to become this easy, light up-tempo rocker. Based on atmosphere alone it's a pretty nice listen honestly.
So overall, I don't want to say I'm a fan of these guys quite yet, but I must admit they are taking the right steps towards distancing themselves from songs like "Long Live Tonight" and going for something more unique. It's not a mindblowingly awesome song, but it just may make me interested to see how their debut album turns out.
Grade: B-
Listen: "Born To Love You"
Author: Zackary Kephart