Actually, I wouldn’t say that at all. Their debut album Meat and Candy was one of the worst albums I had ever heard (and I’m not exaggerating), and what was frustrating? They knew better. Separately, members of this band such as Matthew Ramsey, Trevor Rosen, and especially Brad Tursi have all written not just good but great songs for other artists. As a band though? I couldn’t name a single one among the bunch to tell you the truth.
Well I can name at least one now at least. Don’t get me wrong, there are some problems with their new single “No Such Thing As A Broken Heart”, and we’ll get to them soon enough. However, it’s nice to finally hear an Old Dominion song that actually has a message behind it rather than hear their lame ass attempts at picking up girls one more time.
Really, the song is a look at the mystery of life and love and the meaning of. It’s a little broadly sketched with references to what their kids will someday see on their televisions and a brief picture of how their parents fell in love, but again, it’s a message. None of us know what the hell life is all about. I’m trying to figure it out everyday, and perhaps that type of philosophical mystery is why I like this. It’s hard to know what the hell you’re supposed to do every day. They don’t exactly give a clear answer but the sentiment of always keeping love in your hearts is certainly at least something to strive for everyday (said of course by the uppity critic living in Mom’s basement)
There are some cheesy lines though, like “chase after the dream don’t chase after the money” (coming from you guys?), and their production is still way too stiff and cluttered to let the song breathe at all. I could also do without Matt Ramsey weaving in and out with his “keep your chin up” line. But you know, it’s nice to finally say the band has a song I can enjoy, and again, some may find it too cheesy. I get it. However, I can relate to the sentiment. Keep it up Old Dominion, I know you’ve got more good (and certainly way better) songs in you.
Grade: B
Listen: "No Such Thing As A Broken Heart"
Author: Zackary Kephart