The weakness of the song is perhaps the weakness, relying on thematic content that is perhaps cliche and somewhat underdeveloped. However, there are nonetheless some strong lines, backed by a refreshing sense of maturity. What truly allows the record to stand out is the simplicity of its production. Backed by little more than a tender acoustic arrangement, Allen's strong voice is allowed room to thrive and evoke a true sense of self-awareness. Additionally, the melody holds its own, elevating an otherwise mediocre hook and allowing the song to hold up upon repeat listens.
"Best Shot" is by no means ground breaking, and it does have its flaws. However, it does demonstrate enough that there's reason to go back to hear it again, and to be intrigued by what else Allen may have to offer artistically.
To read Zack's take on this, check out this link!
Grade: B
Listen: "Best Shot"