Truth is, this isn't really a BAD song. It's just "eh". And Chris Young is capable of much more than just "eh".
You can tell he's aiming for something a bit deeper, but the lyrics never quite reach that level. Props for the effort to at least try for something heartfelt, but the execution could have been better.
Likewise, the production really does nothing for me. While it's not over-the-top obnoxious, it feels cluttered, and a voice as good as Young's really should be given room to be heard.
That said, Young sounds great as expected, and the melody is quite enjoyable.
Those last 2 are enough for me to file this into the "mildly enjoyable" category.
This should fair well for him on the charts, but "Lonely Eyes" next please Chris.
Grade: B-
Listen: "Who I Am With You"