The song features a man and a woman who are crazy over each other. She seems to be a little anxious over every detail in the relationship, such as when a pretty girl walks by the two of them, or if she looks fat in a particular shirt, or if she’s smart enough for the guy. The male assures her that there is no reason to fear though, as he will stay by her side no matter what, and thinks she’s crazy for insinuating otherwise (You can be as crazy as you want, as long as you’re crazy over me). Lyrically, it’s miles better than any of his past material (which isn’t saying much). The lyrics are tender and heartfelt, and I’ll give credit to Scott where it’s due. It’s not the best written thing out there, but it’s an improvement.
The sound is also a nice feature of this song, as it is decidedly stripped back and (gasp!) country sounding. There isn’t any attempt at some loud guitar solo, or insertion of some annoying drum machine. The writers knew what they were going for with this, and the production is all the better for it. If there is one issue I take with this song, it’s Scott’s vocals. They’re not horrible, but I just don’t feel like his vocals were the perfect fit for this song. I will say there’s at least an attempt at an emotional delivery, so while it’s not the best, I appreciate the effort.
Overall, this song is light years ahead of anything else in Scott’s career and proves he actually CAN make some quality country music. The song won’t knock your socks off, but I give kudos to Scott for maturing beyond hot girls and horrible pick up lines.
Grade: B+
Listen: “Crazy Over Me”
Author: Zackary Kephart