Myself, sabre14 and Pulse Music Board user .indulgecountry compiled lists of our 15 least favorite singles of 2013 and using a points system I made the following list. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present you TICM's top 15 worst singles of 2013.

Jason Mitchell, "Stomp"
"Stomp, stomp, shake your rhomp", I rest my case. -S14

Chris Young, "Aw Naw"
Frat-boy anthem tailor made for radio. Young is capable of so much more than this.
- MM

Florida-Georgia Line, "Stay"
I actually think Stay is FGL's worst single to date. It's lyrics are cringeworthy, and unrealistic. And the vocal performance is below average as well. - S14

Eric Church, "The Outsiders"
An over-calculated statement song that fails to really say anything.
Poorly-phrased and hackneyed lyrics are treated to a shouty vocal performance
and drowned in heavy metal production that leaves out any indication of country music from the equation. -IC

Kelly Clarkson, "Tie It Up"
Screechy, overproduced pop music. I have no doubt Clarkson is capable of great country music, but if this is a sign of things to come, my expectations are not high

Toby Keith, "Shut Up And Hold On"
Toby really can't do much worse than this tune. What is up with that backup singer at the end Toby? -S14

Blackjack Billy, "Get Some"
I could go on a rant. But I've spent enough of my time and effort writing about these guys already. -MM

Blake Shelton, "Boys 'Round Here"
Lyrically the song plays out like a checklist of all the country cliches
that can be covered in one song, with a delivery akin to having those lyrics
first thrown into a blender. It also relies heavily on gimmicky, repetitive
lines to create hooks and features a poor vocal delivery from a singer capable
of much better. -IC

Tim McGraw, "Southern Girl"
Let's see here. Boring, cliche,.. uh... Boring. This song was the definition of mediocrity. "Southern Girl" rivals "Truck Yeah" for the worst single of Tim's career. -S14

Jason Aldean, "1994"
Lazy, nonsensical lyrics that rely too much on cramming as many ill-fitting
references to Joe Diffie tunes into one song are only made worse by an equally
uninspired vocal performance. Things are made worse by a ridiculous chant of
Diffie's name and generic rock production. -IC

Jerrod Niemann, "Drink To That All Night"
Can we please stop it with the auto tune. There is no need for it in this genre. The auto tune coupled with the dance bar type beat makes this a pop song on country radio. Jerrod's voice is subpar on this song to say the least. -S14

Blackjack Billy, "The Booze Cruise"
My cat threw up. It could have made a better song than this. I'm not exaggerating. These guys have no talent, this isn't catchy, original or intelligent in any way. -MM

Dallas Smith, "Tippin Point"
Please don't make judgements of Canadian country based on this song. There is so much better stuff. Bro-y lyrics, average production and the vocals are processed to death. -MM

Luke Bryan, "That's My Kind Of Night"
This song is one big fat mess in every aspect. Any and all elements of
country music are absent from its production and cringe-worthy vocal effects
plague the chorus, the melody is unpleasant, and the lyrics are just
embarrassingly bad. Nothing about this is a "winner". -IC

Chase Rice, "Ready Set Roll"
I can only put a few lines down here, so I'll hold back the best I can. My least favorite single in years. It's uncreative. Horribly cliche. Awful lyrics. And in my opinion degrading to women. This is the best example of trying to capitalize on Bro-Country. -S14