Hands down their best yet. We needed a song about getting out there and just chasing your dreams. Outstanding vocals and production are an added bonus.
Grade: A

Full of regret without going all sappy on us. Excellent lead vocal from Mike Eli helps connect the song to it's audience.
Grade: B+

Haunting and sincere. Production is down-to-earth and doesn't get in the way of the beautiful yet depressed vocals and performance.
Grade: B+
3 Down

An irritating and distracting keyboard riff throughout the song ruins what could have been a cute, fun song.
Grade: C-

This sounds like something from the bad half of Brantley Gilberts discography (I completely expect BG fanatics to tear me apart for that comment). Hicks might have potential but he certainly won't reach it releasing trash like this.
Grade: D

Really Ronnie? Coming on the heels of fantastic artistry such as "Bleed Red" and "Cost Of Livin" This is really dissapointing. Vocal effects block off Dunns outstanding ability as a voclaist. It's a pretty dull song as well. It's not the worst thing ever, it's just way below his capabilities.
Grade: C-