Lyrically, "Lose My Mind" is exactly what you thought it was going to be. This man is so attracted to his partner that he loses mind. The end. That is literally it. Nothing more is said. It is the textbook definition of filler. It flat out does not need to exist.
However, a pointless lyric can be redeemed with some quality sonic traits, but this song does not have many. The hooky chorus is relatively catchy, and that's where the list starts and ends. The production has way too much going on during the verses, between heavy drum beats, hand claps, guitar riffs, it's all too much, and the muddy chorus isn't a heck of a lot better.
Of course, Brett sings the hell out of it, and does put in a convincing performance, but it's still not enough to save the record. This is well beneath his talent level by any standards, nevermind that of a lead single. Disappointing.
Grade: C-
Listen: "Lose My Mind"