A song that is a stand out from an excellent album. It is haunting, sensual and hypnotizing. Beautiful testament to her, and Little Big Town's talent, but sadly has no shot at radio.
Grade: B+

A somewhat bland track that is improved by the authenticity in her vocal performance. A few years back this would have been dreary, now it is almost inspiring and certainly heartwarming (especially when put with the video).
Grade: B-

A song of sass and energy. It is a welcome change from the sincere yet depressing tones of her previous singles. The song has it issues that anyone can notice, but the track has enough fun to it that one can only root for it to rain on the high heeled and white short beauty.
Grade: B-

After "Merry Go Round" proved surprisingly successful, Kacey continues to challenge radio with a song that is in an unusual format for Country Radio. The metaphor and vignette structure both work eloquently to depict Musgraves' potential as being what she has been hyped up to be. In the end, it is not perfect or earth shattering, but it cannot be faulted and is easily enjoyable.
Grade: B

"Kellie Country" is back and she sounds great. Easily one of Pickler's best vocals and so one can only hope radio will take notice to her on the strength of her Dancing With The Stars win. The strong lyrical content sees both the good and bad in life; therefore, it is a track that brings back the realism of life to Country that has been missing extensively in the last decade.
Grade: B+

The energy and personality in the performance are good, but that is about all there is. The hook is even lacking exponentially.
Grade: C

The topic is nothing new or special, but they execute the track with their beautiful vocals to save it from boredom. The track will most likely maintain they're success at radio and hopefully "Sober" can be sent next.
Grade: B-

The first three singles were lackluster, to say the least, but with these last two tracks from Four the Record Lambert is returning to her prominent role of clever lyrics that challenge convention while ear worming their way into your memory. If this is successful, maybe Musgraves will release "Follow Your Arrow" next. Either way, this song is a welcome challenge to radio that insinuates the complexity of life and the importance of non-judgmental actions.
Grade: B+

It is hard to hold something against an industry veteran like Sheryl Crow, especially when she is having success at radio as not only a crossover but as a woman over 50. With that said, the song is kind of lazy. It isn't as distinctive as past tracks like "All I Wanna Do" or "Soak Up the Sun" and so it leaves one wanting more. Hopefully, her success will continue though.
Grade: C+